Exploring Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Date: August 2015Location: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

By being such a huge tourist attraction you can't expect to be alone around the temples. Going early morning for sunrise was a great idea to explore some temples before the big groups came in. Especially the groups wearing the same T-shirts and guides walking around with signs on a stick made it feel more like a theme park than a holy place.
- Watch the sun rise behind the Angkor Wat temple, but bring lots of mosquito repellent;
- Explore as much as possible before the crowd comes in, around 10:00 AM;
- Bring comfortable clothes and good shoes, you'll have to climb now and then;
- Try to get rid of all the vendors (even children) in a polite way, it won't be easy.
- Forget sunscreen, heads/caps, umbrella's, etc.- it will get very hot;
- Destroy the temples by trying to take the best pictures, stay on the paths as much as possible;
- Expect to make wide angle shots without construction, temporary supporting blocks or tourists in it;
- Leave without eating some Khmer food (Amok or Lok Lak for example) at the lake, in front of the Angkor Wat temple.
Some impressions of Angkor Wat:
Map of the Angkor Wat temples.
Sunrise with loads of tourists and mosquitos.
Tuk tuk drivers waiting in the shade for their customers to come back.
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